One of the most helpful ways to get accurate tracking data is to provide separate widget names to each placement area where you will be displaying recommendations. This allows you to drill into the performance of each widget separately in our Analytics data. We also recommend using unique widget names for "special" pages like the homepage, category overview pages, or other unique page designs. This is because placement and design of the widget can have a significant impact on the CTR performance. Finally, separate platforms like Android, iOS, and other integrations should also have their own unique names as well. 

We recommend using the following naming conventions, but you are free to name your widgets any way you wish:


  • Platform: Is the widget appearing on desktop or mobile web, iOS or Android app?
  • Page Type: Homepage, Category/Section pages, or individual article pages?
  • Placement: Where on the page does it appear? Right-rail, below the main content, mid-article?

Here's a sample of widget names from an account that has adopted detailed naming practices:

  • web-home
  • web-right_rail
  • web-below_post
  • web-category-entertainment
  • web-category-politics
  • ....
  • mobile-home
  • mobile-below_post
  • ....
  • ios-home
  • ios-below_article
  • ios-mid_article
  • ios-category-entertainment
  • ....
  • android-home
  • android-below_article
  • android-mid_article

As a result, they can see how similar placements perform across web, mobile, and native apps, and distinguish between performance on different categories of content to help them optimize their ROI and usage of LiftIgniter. There is no limit to the number of widget names you can have, and you can create new ones or discontinue placements at any time. Let your Account team know when you make changes, and we'll help keep your Analytics drilldowns tidy and free of discontinued widgets.