Fields with timestamps

You can pass in formatted timestamps for any fields of your choice, but we have timestamp-specific rules only for some specifically named fields. For other fields we will treat the timestamps as strings.

To activate timestamp-based rules for showing and hiding an item, you must use the following field names:

  • published_time: In the Open Graph framework, the property name is article:published_time. We will drop the article: prefix and store the field as published_time. If passing it in the custom LiftIgniter JSON object, simply call it published_time. We won't recommend an item if it has a published_time in the future.
  • modified_time: In the Open Graph framework, the property name is article:modified_time. We will drop the article: prefix and store the field as modified_time. If passing it in the custom LiftIgniter JSON object, simply call it modified_time.
  • expiration_time: In the Open Graph framework, the property name is article:expiration_time. We will drop the article: prefix and store the field as expiration_time. If passing it in the custom LiftIgniter JSON object, simply call it expiration_time. We won't recommend an item if it has an expiration_time in the past.
  • abnLastModified: This is a custom field necessary for A|B testing Item-specific metadata, such as alternate titles or thumbnail images.

All timestamp fields must be passed in the DateTime ISO 8601 format as described in the Open Graph Protocol website. Please note that the field values must contain a timezone in order for us to understand when items should start or stop being shown correctly!

Here are some example formats that we correctly parse.




yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ

2017-01-21 09:56:36-08:00

